We engage learners

  • Our online training achieves a satisfaction rating of 98/10 and a participation rate of over 98.5%
  • Students have fun practising with our interactive simulators using their mobile phones, Tablets or PCs
  • Our gamification techniques multiply participation and accelerate learning

More than 80,000 students trained in the past year

We measure the results obtained

  • We generate objective metrics that reveal the learning achieved by each student
  • We demonstrate the impact achieved, during and at the end of the training: skill maps, evolution of each skill, impact on the business
  • Each student receives a Personalised Report with their learning and development plan

Our difference

traditional elearning

Learner engagement
The learner quickly loses interest in linear and unattractive content.
Lack of practice and interest means that students quickly forget what they have learnt. Impact is not measured.
Cost of implementation
Scalable costs. However, massive dynamization efforts are required to get students to complete the courses.


Learner engagement
Participation of over 98% due to interactive content.
We improve skills by 30-65%. Objective, measurable and lasting results.
Cost of implementation
Online implementation with no extra effort. Scalable costs.

Face-to-face training

Learner engagement
Participation is high as it is a face-to-face event.
In the short term, the student has the feeling of having learnt something. Very little practice during the course means that learning does not last.
Cost of implementation
Face-to-face training has high costs, both explicit and hidden (downtime, non-productive time) There are no economies of scale and the logistics of implementation are complex.

We accelerate the change of habits

  • Our interactive simulators allow you to practise the new behaviours
  • Voice recognition, real characters (we do not use cartoons), artificial intelligence allow to create "almost" real training environments
  • Students retain the best practice and form new habits that improve their training

96% of our clients have implemented more than one project with us

Most popular courses

How to negotiate successfully

Master the techniques that will allow you to reach beneficial and long-lasting agreements

Develop the key skills of Consultative Selling

You will increase your effectiveness in consultative selling, improving your sales ratio

How to be more persuasive and influential

Learn the techniques that will enable you to influence the way others think, feel or act

We take care of everything

Tailor-made and hassle-free implementation

More than 200 projects endorse us. Our aim is to provide your students with the best experience and the least effort on your part.

Follow-up and closeness with the student

We are close to the student, accompanying them at all times during their training experience Our weekly dashboards will give you the peace of mind that everything is under control.

Your data are protected

We have ISO 27001 certification and the most demanding security standards.

ISO 27001 certified

We integrate with you in a simple way

Our goal is that your organisation can enjoy Practikalia Experience as soon as possible, with a hassle free technical implementation.

Our customers connect with us in 3 ways:

    Version 12. It is installed once and can be configured remotely.
  • SSO
    SAML 20 standard                  
  • API
    SOAP standard
Leading LMS on the market

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